Your next action must be to meld the selected card. The selected card, and any and all cards to the right of it, are added to your hand. You may elect to take another card from the discard pile only if you are able to meld the card you select. You may always take the last card of the discard pile as an alternative to taking a new card from the stock, unless the rule variation inhibiting this is in effect. The game progresses with the player and opponent alternately starting their turn by taking either the top card of the stock, or one or more cards from the discard pile. This card forms the beginning of the discard pile. The top card is turned face up on the table. The remaining cards form the stock and are placed face down by the table. Thirteen cards are dealt to you and thirteen to your opponent.
Rummy 500 is a member of the 'Rummy' family of card games, more formally known as 'Five Hundred Rum'.